This cast on, much like the crocheted provisional cast on, leaves some waste yarn in the first row that can be removed to reveal live working stitches.
For reference, you can watch this video to see how Kerin works her crocheted provisional cast on! Although slightly different from the traditional provisional cast on, both methods produce a row of live stitches that you will be able to pick up and continue knitting or graft onto another knitted piece or section. Experiment with both ways to find your preferred method.
Begin by securing the waste yarn by tying it’s tail around the working yarn tail. Then get your hands in position for the cast on by placing the knot on your needle (held by your right hand index finger), and the yarn in your left hand. Working yarn at the back around your index finger, waste yarn towards the front around your thumb. This hold is very similar to the Long Tail Cast On.
*Bring the needle over the top of the waste yarn, then around it from front to back.
Pass the tip over the top of the working yarn from front to back and draw a loop of working yarn forward under the strand of waste yarn.
Pass the tip over the top of the working yarn from front to back and draw a loop of working yarn up.
Repeat from * until required number of stitches is on the needle.
Begin knitting. When you are ready to pick up the live stitches at the cast on, slide the working yarn tail out of the knot you tied around it with the waste yarn. Pull the waste yarn out straight to the side, parallel to the knitting. Slide needle into the live stitches. If you are worried about losing some stitches, you can pick them up one at a time as you slowly pull out the waste yarn.